In the world of modern dentistry, cutting-edge technology is constantly evolving to provide patients with the best possible care. One such technological advancement that has revolutionized the field is Cone Beam Computed Tomography, commonly referred to as CBCT. At Midtown Smiles in Nashville, TN, Dr. Terry Watson and Dr. Michael Tabor are harnessing the power of CBCT to offer their patients unparalleled diagnostic accuracy and treatment precision. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of CBCT, exploring what it is, how it works, and why it's a game-changer in dentistry.

Understanding the Basics of CBCT

What is CBCT?

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a cutting-edge imaging technology used in the field of dentistry. It provides three-dimensional images of a patient's oral and maxillofacial region, allowing dentists to view intricate details of the teeth, bones, and soft tissues. Unlike traditional two-dimensional X-rays, CBCT offers a comprehensive view, making it an invaluable tool for diagnosis and treatment planning.

How Does CBCT Work?

CBCT technology operates by rotating a cone-shaped X-ray beam around the patient's head. As it rotates, the CBCT scanner captures a series of images from various angles. These images are then reconstructed into a 3D model of the patient's oral and facial structures. The result is a highly detailed and accurate representation that aids dentists in diagnosing conditions and planning treatments with precision.

The Advantages of Choosing Midtown Smiles for CBCT

Unparalleled Diagnostic Accuracy

At Midtown Smiles, Dr. Terry Watson and Dr. Michael Tabor have embraced CBCT as an essential tool in their practice. This advanced imaging technology enables them to diagnose dental and facial conditions with unmatched accuracy. Whether you're experiencing dental pain, considering oral surgery, or seeking orthodontic treatment, CBCT scans provide a comprehensive view of your unique anatomy, ensuring that the right treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs.

Minimized Radiation Exposure

Patient safety is a top priority at Midtown Smiles. CBCT technology, while highly effective, exposes patients to significantly less radiation compared to traditional medical CT scans. Dr. Watson and Dr. Tabor prioritize your well-being, ensuring that you receive the diagnostic benefits of CBCT without unnecessary radiation exposure.

Personalized Treatment Plans

CBCT scans empower Dr. Watson and Dr. Tabor to create highly personalized treatment plans. Whether you require dental implants, orthodontic treatment, or oral surgery, the 3D images obtained through CBCT allow for precise planning and execution. This level of precision translates to shorter recovery times, reduced discomfort, and superior treatment outcomes.

Enhanced Patient Education

Midtown Smiles is dedicated to patient education. CBCT scans play a pivotal role in this commitment by allowing patients to visually understand their dental conditions. Dr. Watson and Dr. Tabor take the time to review CBCT images with patients, explaining their diagnoses and treatment options in detail. This ensures that patients are active participants in their oral health journey, making informed decisions about their care.

Your Journey with CBCT at Midtown Smiles

The CBCT Experience

When you choose Midtown Smiles for your dental care, your journey begins with a warm welcome from our friendly staff. We understand that visiting the dentist can be an anxious experience for some, so we prioritize creating a comfortable and stress-free environment.

CBCT Scanning

Once you're settled in, our highly trained team will perform the CBCT scan. This painless and non-invasive procedure is quick, and you'll be out of the chair before you know it. The scan provides our dentists with the essential information they need to develop your customized treatment plan.

Consultation and Treatment Planning

After your CBCT scan, you'll sit down with Dr. Watson or Dr. Tabor to discuss the findings. They will explain the results in straightforward terms, addressing any questions or concerns you may have. Together, you'll develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Exceptional Care

At Midtown Smiles, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Our experienced team will provide you with exceptional care throughout your treatment journey. Whether you're undergoing a dental procedure or orthodontic treatment, you can trust that you're in capable hands.

CBCT Beyond Dentistry

While CBCT is primarily used in dentistry, its applications extend beyond oral health. This versatile technology is also employed in other medical fields, such as ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat), orthopedics, and radiology. Its ability to provide detailed 3D images is invaluable in diagnosing and treating various medical conditions.

Contact Midtown Smiles for Your CBCT Consultation

If you're in Nashville, TN, and seeking top-tier dental care that leverages the benefits of CBCT technology, look no further than Midtown Smiles. Dr. Terry Watson and Dr. Michael Tabor are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care, ensuring your oral health and overall well-being.

To schedule your CBCT consultation or learn more about our services, please call (615) 320-3210. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and guiding you on your journey to a healthier, happier smile.


Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a transformative technology that has taken dentistry to new heights. At Midtown Smiles in Nashville, TN, Dr. Terry Watson and Dr. Michael Tabor utilize CBCT to provide their patients with precise diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and an unparalleled level of care. With minimized radiation exposure and enhanced patient education, CBCT is revolutionizing the way dental care is delivered. Contact Midtown Smiles today to experience the benefits of CBCT for yourself and embark on your path to optimal oral health.